Review the latest IODA-related news from our global OD community.
We love to publish blog contributions from members of IODA. If you have anything to share with our global OD community, please get in touch!
Suzanne Zaldivar as RBA WINNER 2019
Having met the criteria for the award, Suzanne Zaldivar, USA was unanimously chosen as the winner of the 2019 Richard Beckhard Award. Suzanne joined IODA when she attended the 2012
Chile: Our conference is on
Chile is going through some challenging times. As a nation, we are facing deep rooted social issues which broke out last Friday but are not unique to our country. The
New General Vice President
VINAYA SHETTY, INDIA The IODA election committee is pleased to update you on the recent call to fill the role of General Vice President.There were three excellent candidates who were
We would like to invite you to submit your nomination or recommending another IODA member for the elections of IODA’s new General Vice President (GVP). Michelle de Bruyn from South Africa
Organization Development in Benin
What if we thought of strengthening the capacities of Beninese executives in OD to support the change induced by the reforms under the “Rupture” era? Unfortunately, in West Africa, there
Introducing a new, personal path to professional development for OD practitioners
When you hear the word “supervisor,” you might first imagine a person responsible for driving performance in the workplace. Someone accountable for directing and evaluating other peoples’ work. That, of