IODA, an international membership association serving OD professionals, is a vibrant and supportive network of organization development practitioners, academics and students from around the world who join together to learn how OD is practiced in different countries, share best practices, and support one another in designing and facilitating change efforts in their organizations and communities.

IODA’s global community consists of a network of over a thousand OD professionals from 40-50 different countries. A member-driven organization, IODA provides services to practitioners throughout their careers, including younger, emerging professionals, well-established, senior practitioners, and even members in retirement. Anyone interested in the field of organization development is invited to participate in this network as actively as they wish.


IODA is committed to providing access and giving a voice to OD professionals from all regions of the world. In 2022, OD practitioners from around the globe will come together for the Annual IODA Conference taking place from 30th September to 2nd October in Barcelona, Spain. For more information, click here


Since membership renewals do not occur automatically, you’ll need to manage the renewal process personally. Press the Membership button on the home page and follow the instructions. IODA memberships must be renewed annually, depending on the month your membership began. For instance, if you joined the organization on May 1st, your membership will be valid until April 30th of the following year.
IODA welcomes members from all countries and nations. If credit card access (IODA accepts Visa and Master cards) is a challenge for you, contact us here. We’ll be happy to work with you to develop an individual payment plan.


Countries with stable economies have a “hard currency” that is accepted widely throughout the world, and they are listed as such by the World Bank. Most European countries, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia are considered hard currency countries.


OD professionals also work in countries with less stable economies and currencies, known as “soft currency” countries. Many countries in Africa and Asia, some countries in South America, and China and India (for purposes of IODA membership only) are considered soft currency countries.


IODA accepts Visa and Master cards, no American Express cards.  Please contact us here for additional payment methods.