PResidential Elections 2016

We would like to invite you to submit your nomination or recommend another IODA member.

We are going to have elections for the position of IODA’S PRESIDENT.
Peter Kalmar’s first term as president ends in April 2016. Peter has done wonderful work for IODA, but has decided not to stand for a second term at this time.

Position of the PRESIDENT is up for elections
The president is the head and general representative of the association and shall have general charge of the business affairs and property of the association. The president guides IODA in fulfilling its vision and mission in line with its values.
The president has a three year term of office starting after the results have been announced. There will be a ‘hand-over’ period between the election and the annual conference in India. The installation of the position will be celebrated during the Conference in India.
Please see the general commitments of the president and the detailed position description HERE.
Please also see the strategic directions as election input HERE.

Election process
IODA members will have the opportunity to nominate themselves or recommend
another IODA member. Nominations need to be submitted by March 29, 2016.

Eligibility criteria for nomination
To be eligible for nomination, the person must have paid their membership dues within the last 365 days. The reference day for counting back 365 days will be the date you will submit the nomination letter, photographs and two nominations.
Has your membership expired? Are you not yet a member and would like to participate in the elections? Then register or renew today online. To find out how, please click HERE.

Any IODA member who is eligible to vote and who meets the nomination criteria may self-nominate or nominate another member who meets the criteria for eligibility for nomination. All members being nominated by others must be informed and have given assent before their names can be sent in as nominations.

Required documents

  1. Nomination form, please download HERE,
    If you are recommending another IODA member please get his/her approval beforehand.
    All those nominated persons must also supply the following documents:
  2. Two recommendations from other IODA members
  3. A presentation letter including
    – A digital photo
    – An outline why you wish to serve as president,
    – Your vision for IODA,
    – And any other information you would like to include to promote your candidacy.

This letter and the recommendations will be e-mailed to all IODA members by the election committee.

Closing date for submitting nominations
March 29, 2016
Closing date for submitting your letter, photo and two recommendations
April 08, 2016

Recipients of nominations
Please submit your nomination to all four members of the Election Committee.

Rod Barnett                
Jose Campoverde      
Ken Nishikawa           
Silke Haebold             

Please think about nominating yourself or recommending another IODA member for the position. This is an important contribution to guiding the development of IODA together with your fellow members.

If you wish any further advice please contact the Election Committee.
We are looking forward to an exciting election process.