2024, The IODA Odyssey: Highlights & Hopes for 2025

As this year comes to a close, we’ve done an end-of-year recap as a reflection on IODA’s achievements, milestones, and memorable moments from 2024, paired with aspirations and goals for 2025. It’s both a celebration of 2024’s successes and an invitation to keep thriving together in 2025!


NEW EC MEMBER | This year, we proudly welcomed Marrisa Fernando as IODA’s new VP of Conferences & Events. Elected with unanimous support from our members, Marrisa has brought a wealth of experience and a passion for community engagement. She has an exceptional track record in organizing successful events and promises to elevate IODA’s programs and create enriching experiences for our community in 2025.

IODA CONFERENCE 2024 MEXICO | Practitioners and change-makers in the field of OD gathered to exchange insights, practical tools, and personal experiences. The workshops, presentations, local company visits, and cultural experiences provided a powerful opportunity to strengthen the global OD community and emphasized OD’s role in fostering sustainable, positive change within organizations worldwide. Re-live the event through photos and videos here.

It’s worth mentioning and congratulating again those who, during the conference, won awards for outstanding achievements in the field of OD. Enrique J. Zaldivar took the Richard Beckhard Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of OD and Guadalupe del Carmen Carrasco Álvarez won the Saul A. Silverman Award for her tireless work in conflict resolution, healing, and human dignity. Read more here.

WORKSHOPS & OTHER EVENTS | During the year we held a total of 18 programs for our community as well as 3 interactive Members’ Meetings. We launched 3 new workshop series: World Café, Community of Practice and Climate Resilience. They have provided unique opportunities for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and innovative thinking, empowering participants to deepen their expertise and drive positive change within their organizations and communities. We’re working hard on the 2025 events calendar. See below for more details of the first programs. 

A heartfelt thanks to all our session facilitators and attendees. Remember, IODA members enjoy free access to our sessions, while others are welcome to join for a small fee. We also invite our members to present sessions throughout the year—please submit your ideas on our website. Also, members can watch the recording of most of our programs in the resources portal on the IODA website. All you need to do is sign in as a member. 

IODA & BIM PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM | IODA has partnered with the Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM) in India to offer a unique mentoring program for MBA students in the OD & Change Management elective. This pioneering initiative connects BIM’s students with IODA’s global OD practitioners. The first session, led by Larry Kokkelenberg in October, introduced students to OD concepts and will continue in the new year with ongoing sessions and mentoring to enhance students’ OD skills.

IODA ORIGINS BOOK | This year we unveiled a special book exclusively for IODA members, written by K.C. Soares, one of our founding members and the first President. This publication highlights IODA’s origins in the 1980s, a time of global change when OD practitioners sought a more inclusive, collaborative approach. Download your copy here.

COLLABORATION CORNER NEWSLETTER | We launched a monthly newsletter that connects IODA members with global OD opportunities, including project collaborations, volunteer needs, and paid work. Each edition highlights the latest openings and fosters collaboration within our vibrant community to drive positive change worldwide. 


A RICH EVENTS CALENDAR | To stimulate knowledge-sharing, community-building and skill development between global OD practioners, we aim to provide our community with an annual calendar of relevant workshops and members’ meetings. The calendar is currently a work in progress, with more programs and updates to be added throughout the year— keep an eye on our mailers and website.

  • JANUARY 18th: Douglas O’Loughlin will lead our first program of the year on ANDlightnenment: The Joy of Seeing and Leveraging Polarities. 
  • FEBRUARY 8th: Phil Mcinnes will lead a workshop on a Holistic, Inclusive Approach to Highly Effective Organizations.
  • FEBRUARY 22nd: we’ll hold the third and final session of Life-Centred OD: Our Contributions as OD Practitioners to Supporting Climate Resilience.

ODWS 2025 | The much-awaited IODA OD World Summit 2025 Ghana will take place from the 3rd to 5th September in Accra and will focus on navigating OD in the age of AI, Have a look at the dedicated website and secure your spot! 

ELECTIONS | In 2025, the important role of VP of Memberships & Communications is up for election. Can you or someone you know help oversee the critical task of expanding IODA’s membership base while fostering meaningful connections within our global community? More details to come. 


We are always happy to share interesting OD projects and there are a few ways for our community to do so: 

– IODA BLOG | We love sharing content with our community—whether it’s articles, books, or perspectives from our members—through our blog. Reach out to us here

– RUN A WEBINAR | Members can volunteer to hold a workshop in 2025 on a topic that can benefit our community. You can submit your event here for consideration.